Montag, 8. Februar 2010

The Network: International Thinking Collaboration

Since 2001 "The Network" provides brilliant insights and international high quality research. The founding of The Network was based on the insight that there must be a clever way for our clients to find a clever team of researchers who can execute research world wide, but not having the hassle of dealing with all local researchers individually.
So working with The Network is like working with one of the big multi-national research players, but at a much higher level, as all members of The Network are really senior and many years in business.
On the photo are some members from all around the world to be found...

Have a look at

Ommwriter a cool tool for being creative!

We found and love this cool tool for creative writing, creating a holiday for your eyes and mind, while writing, or like the makers of the Ommwriter say it:

A wise man once said "We are all at the mercy of our wild monkey minds. Incessantly swinging from branch to branch." With multiple windows and applications all vying for our attention, we have sadly adapted our working habits to that of the computer and not the other way around.

Ommwriter is a humble attempt to recapture what technology has snatched away from us today: our capacity to concentrate.

Ommwriter is a simple text processor that firmly believes in making writing a pleasure once again, vindicating the close relationship between writer and paper. The more intimate the relation, the smoother the flow of inspiration.

If you are a scriptwriter, blogger, journalist, copywriter, poet or just someone who enjoys writing, welcome back to concentrating.

Find more and how to download at:

The new Valor Blog is now online

Yes, I know - it took some time, but now we are online and I hope you will enjoy our blog :-)
